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Very few people have ideal furnishing options for their apartment, limited only by their own creativity. For most people, individual limitations dictate the choice of furniture, or at least strongly dictate the direction.
In our guide, we’ll let you know how you can overcome some of these barriers with the right configuration, especially custom-made furniture, to make the most of your living space.
1. What makes furniture adjustment necessary?
Sloping ceilings make custom-made furniture recommended in order to make better use of the rooms.
Not only should the furnishings be aimed at our individual tastes and beautify the apartment, it is also crucial, especially in smaller apartments, that they are particularly functional. The shelves should make good use of wall space to maximize storage space while keeping space consumption as low as possible.
Other circumstances can also make it difficult to choose our facility.
If the apartment is poorly designed, valuable usable space is usually lost due to the angles of the walls. Because a room corner that is not 90° precludes the precise insertion of rectangular furniture.
Things get even more complicated with an attic apartment. Here it is not the walls but the sloping ceilings that throw a spanner in the works when buying furniture. If the wall is sloping, it may still be justifiable to move a standing shelf slightly away from one of the walls, but if the roof is sloping, it is difficult for the shelf you need to stand one meter in the middle of the room. The inaccuracy of furniture quickly makes small rooms even smaller.
Z dimension method
The z dimension is a construction dimension that can be used when installing pipes. It requires a high level of coordination with the architect of the apartment and careful planning, but makes future planning and execution easier.
The best way to prevent this unused space is to custom-make the required pieces. Custom-made furniture produced in Germany You can configure and order yourself online using custom-made forms. The advantage of German manufacturers is that you are usually informed about where the raw materials come from and whether they are certified.
Putting together and adapting made-to-measure furniture is possible via online customization for demanding and individual wishes. Whether it’s simple 4m furniture for 4m of available space or a custom-made couch for an unusual corner – from planning the dimensions and material to delivery, everything usually goes through one point of contact.
This means that furnishings can not only be homogenized and adapted to your taste, but also to problematic conditions regarding the layout and furnishing of the apartment. Because for that Building the house May be a coordination with the architect e.g. B. when routing the cables with a z dimension, your requests for changes usually have to react to what is already there.
2. Multi-purpose rooms can save space in room planning
Rooms that are rarely used can be combined with other rooms.
Before the big guns are unpacked, a reorganization in the configuration of the rooms can sometimes have a major impact. Not every room has to be used for a singular function. Some rooms can be combined to form multi-purpose rooms, which significantly saves you space.
Separate guest rooms in particular are simply not possible for many apartments. But with clever planning, you can turn single-use rooms into guest rooms – at least when necessary!
Study rooms, for example for home offices, are generally not used when guests visit. A built-in sleeping option solves the problem of the guest room and gives you even the occasional alternative.
Tip: You can take this even further with a folding bed. Then in everyday life you have the bed space available for a cupboard, the bed is folded up and neither visible nor disturbing. When choosing the right folding bed, you can measure your available space beforehand and include it in the event of a custom-made one. In this case, configuring custom-made furniture is limited by the mattress size, which is why you need to take this into account. A good overview of the most common mattress sizes You will find here.
3. Options for configuring custom furniture
Custom-made products can often be made to the millimeter using a configurator on the manufacturer’s website.
As diverse as the restrictions in your home are, the solutions can be just as varied. Whether upholstered furniture or a custom-made chest of drawers – almost everything can be coordinated and configured yourself.
- Differences in height of your piece of furniture – With a simple but effective gradation, shelves can be inserted more effectively into free spaces or brought closer to other furniture. The cutout on a step shelf can also be used as storage space to ensure even more optimal use.
- Cupboards or other furniture with slants can be fitted precisely under sloping roofs. You then configure custom-made furniture with the angle of the bevel. However, when setting the doors for this furniture, this is the aspect to which you should apply the most precise planning. If the door is too close to the sloping side or opens in the wrong direction, the door stop can quickly become a major problem.
- Height-adjustable shelves also give you options for changes afterwards. Shelves where you can easily move the shelves up or down make the storage space always adaptable to your needs. This makes changing circumstances much easier to manage.
- Oversized furniture make full use of the wall height. Cabinets often have a substantial amount of empty space between the cabinet and the ceiling, especially with high ceilings. A travel bag or suitcase may be stored here, but the space is not being used optimally. Furniture adjusted to your ceiling height, whether made by yourself or by a third party, wastes no space and gives you more options for dust-protected storage. Again, it’s the doors that you need to pay attention to: If a cabinet is this large, doors may be too heavy for the full length. Here it may be advisable to install two doors on top of each other.
Careful measuring and adjusting to configure custom furniture optimizes the usable space of the apartment.
- Furniture that can be folded out and folded out are not just limited to possible folding beds. Folding tables, for example, which can easily disappear into the wall, further open up the living space.
- Combinations of furniture They are not always suitable, but if you configure the dimensions for a corner sofa, you may be able to turn the base into a chest of drawers.
- Room divider with functionsuch as large standing shelves, can set design accents in multi-purpose rooms and be practical at the same time.
If you adapt your custom-made furniture accordingly, your apartment will not only be more individual, but also designed to make optimal use of the space available to you.
Image credits:,,, Delyk, (chronologically or in the order of Images used in the buying guide sorted)